I have terible news, me windows goes down and I lost every single sprite, animacion, movie, music, sound, everythink, for now I have nothink and this is why I m unable to continue me series.
Now I must get everythink back, do it can get any worse >_< .
soo....you have you plan as well as mine, good to know, since you asist me maybe i can asist you as well...in whenever way i can, specially in actionscript, but i can't say munch about animation since i haven't exactly animated or hand-drawed anything, but ill be there whenever i can XD
Thanks, I will reanember it, meaby in future I will make me movies, and probably with your help I will make game, but for now I still not have enjoy movieclips and I m still asisting you.
Anyway hello in Flash Defenders.