Finaly I found this, Alliance. Everyone are like some haracters in games but what is happening when favorite haracter is a enemy, than he only can do 2 thinks, make flash movie or find flash movie with this character on good side.
I not liked that Harpuia, Leviatan and Fenfir are evil and I also like copy of X, he look like future version of real X and he looks coll in ultimate armor with many fun attack like ground slash, air slash and ice, fire, electric armor mode. Zero, Leviatan, Fenfir, Harpuia and Copy X will be a great and cool team to protect humanity in future from evil ( like Lord Veil ).
I found only 2 movies where Leviathan, Harpuia, Fenfir are on good side MMZ - the last cataclism ep. 1 and ep 2, and 2 game where Copy X, Zero and rest are on good side, Zero alpha and Zero rocket fighter. But now I found you alliance tester and I m happy, but it was maked 2 years ago and you not maked movie, why ? Please, make movie and tell me when you will finish.
Ps: In me opinion Harpuia is male ( man, boy ), In MMZ - the last cataclism he haved male voise.
Make this movie fast and good lock.